
Master Thesis

NameResearch Title
Kaname Kojima2007 Master Course (Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
Efficient Grid Layout Algorithm for Biological Networks with Various Biological Attributes
Eric Perrier2007 Master Course (Department of Computer Science, Gradudate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
Finding Optimal Bayesian Network Based on Super-structure
Mitsuru Kato2005 Master Course (Departement of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
Automatic Drawing of Biological Networks Using cross Cost and Subcomponent Data
Kazuyuki Numata2005 Master Course (Departement of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
Memory-Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms for Large-Scale Microarray Gene Expression Data
Naoki Nariai2004 Master Course (Departement of Computer Science, Gradudate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)
Using Expression Data and Protein-Protein Interactions to Estimate Gene Networks
Osamu Hirose2004 Master Course (Information Science and Technology)
Inferring Gene Networks by Boolean Network Model Using Microarray Data and Binding Location Data
Sunyong Kim2003 Master Course (Information Science and Technology)
Dynamic Bayesian Network and Nonparametric Regression for Nonlinear Modeling of Gene Networks
Kentaro Kawamoto2002 Master Course (Information Science and Technology)
Tomohiro Yasuda1999 Master Course (Information Science and Technology)
Design and Implementation of a System for Automatic Construction of Cell Lineage from Nomarski Dic Microscope Images

Doctoral Dissertation

NameResearch Title
Hirose Osamu2008.4 Doctoral Course (Information Science and Technology) University of Tokyo
Statistical Inference of Gene Networks From Time Course Gene Expression Profiles Using State Space Models
Atsushi Doi2006.3 Doctoral Course(Information Science)Yamaguchi University
Modeling and Simulation of Biological Pathways with Hybrid Functional Petri Net
Hideo Bannai2005.3 Doctoral Course(Information Science and Technology)
Efficient Algorithms and their Applications for Optimal Pattern Discovery from Biosequences
Yoshinori Tamada2005.12 Doctoral Course(Information Science)Kyoto University
Computational Methods for Estimating Gene Networks Utilizing Biological Information
Masao Nagasaki2004.3 Doctoral Course(Science)
A Platform for Biopathway Modeling/Simulation and Recreating Biopathway Databases towards Simulation.
Ott Sascha2004.3 Doctoral Course(Science)
Finding Optimal Models for Gene Networks
master_s_doctoral_dissertation.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/21 10:02 (external edit)