宮野 悟
====== 基調講演・招待講演 ====== "Driving Systems Biology with Supercomputer" (Plenary Lecture). Inter-disciplinary Bioinformatics Workshop for Biologists. Korean Society for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. KSBSB Summer School. Soeul National University, Korea. July 3, 2009. http://acoms1.kisti.re.kr/ksbi/conference/files/confer_files/2ndCircular-2.pdf "Gene Networks Viewed through Two Models" (Invited Talk). The First International Conerence on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB-2009). Holiday Inn Downtown-Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. April 10, 2009. "Supercomputing for Systems Biology" (Plenary Lecture). The Center for Computational Science Distinguished Lecture Series. the Lois Pope LIFE Center, seventh-floor auditorium, University of Miami, Miami, USA. April 13, 2009. "Biology as Computational Science" (Invited Talk). 第24回京都賞記念ワークショップ『先端技術部門』シンポジウム "Computational Approach to Science: Our Dream and Your Dream"「科学への計算世界観的アプローチ」. 国立京都国際会館. November 12, 2008. http://www.inamori-f.or.jp/ja_topics_080917_04A.html "Computational Platform for Systems Biology" (Plenary Lecture). KSBSB BIOINFOR2008, Korean Society for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. Chungbuk National University, Cheongjoo, Korea. November 13, 2008. "Computational Drug Target Pathway Discovery" (Keynote Lecture). International Computer Sysmposium 2008 (ICS 2008). Tamkang University, Taiwan. November 14, 2008. http://ics2008.csie.tku.edu.tw/ "Computing Molecular Networks and Dynamics for Systems Biology" (Invited Talk). INBIOSIS Seminar Seris. Institute of Systems Biology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. Octorber 29, 2008. http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~inbiosis/aktiviti.html "Computational Strategy for Systems Biology and Drug Target Pathway Discovery" (Invited Talk). ETH Zurich - JST Workshop on Medical Research. Hotel Zurichberg, Zurich, Swiss. September 15, 2008. "Cell System Markup Language and Cell Illustrator for Systems Biology Computational Platform" (Invited Talk). The First International Workshop on Formal Methods in Systems Biology. Microsoft Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. June 4, 2008. "Peta Flops Computing for Systems Biology" (Keynote Lecture). The 8th International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB 2008). Teikyo Berlin, Berlin-Zeuthen, Germany. June 9, 2009. "Computational Systems Biology for Drug Target Pathway Discovery" (Keynote Lecture). International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007 (MIST 2007). Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan. November 16, 2007. "Computational Systems Biology for Drug Target Pathway Discovery" (Invited Talk). BIO KOREA 2007. COEX Convention Center, Seoul, Korea. September 14, 2007. "Computational Systems Biology" (Plenary Lecture). The International Symposium on Optimization and Systems Biology (OSB 2007). Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China. August 9, 2007. http://www.aporc.org/OSB/2007/
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